July 27, 2024

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03/17 Links Pt1: Until the Arab Parties Abandon Their Hatred of Israel, They Don’t Belong in the Government; Remembering the Terrorist Bombing of Israel’s Embassy in Buenos Aires

March 17, 2020 Ian

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2020/03/0317-links-pt1-until-arab-parties.htmlFrom Ian: Until the Arab Parties Abandon Their Hatred of Israel, They Don’t Belong in the Government Thus we have Tibi telling President Reuven Rivlin during the September 2019 parliamentary consultations that “we are the […]

Cairo-born Jewish leader dies in Italy of coronavirus

March 17, 2020 Ian

http://jewishrefugees.blogspot.com/2020/03/jewish-leader-dies-in-italy-of.htmlMichele Sciama, a former secretary-general of the Jewish Community of Milan,  has died of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Born in Cairo in 1941, he was a driving force behind the Edoth project, which aimed to collect […]