July 27, 2024

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Fun for the family at Islamic Jihad’s "Bond of Blood" Gaza festival

Yesterday, Islamic Jihad held a festival in Gaza called "Bond of Blood."The terror group unveiled a long-range rocket whose capabilities ...
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Legal experts show Amnesty doesn’t know what it is talking about on Laws of Armed Conflict

Law professor Peter Margulies has written a detailed explanation, based on his own interviews with relevant Israeli officials, on the ...
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Jews petition to halt Algerian exhumation

Many graves no longer have headstones, resulting in their desecration if the exhumations go aheadMore than 1,000 people have signed ...
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The Guardian calls Abbas’ threat to sue over Balfour "a cry of despair"

Unreal and totally expected:No one who follows the Palestinian issue will be very surprised to hear of the call by ...
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Very incomplete list of children used as human shields in Gaza

Gideon Levy is outraged at Israelis:One hundred and eighty babies and children up to the age of 5. One hundred ...
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International Olympic Committee violates its own ethics guidelines, backs terror supporter Jibril Rajoub

Yesterday, Palestinian Media Watch released a comprehensive dossier of terror-supporting statements by Jibril Rajoub, Chairman of the Palestine Olympic Committee.For ...
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Palestinian issue downplayed at Arab League summit

The 27th Arab League summit just ended in Nouakchott and the final statement reflected a far smaller focus on the ...
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Hamas leader: "We never engaged in random killing sprees of either occupiers or settlers"

I found the interview that Hamas leader Khaled Meshal gave to some reporters from India where the media reported it ...
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Jewish woman needs a stem cell donor within 5 weeks

A press release I received:A Jewish family in the UK has just five weeks to find a stem cell donor ...
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Belgian school supports teacher who won Iran Holocaust cartoon contest

From The New Antisemite: Luc Descheemaeker (aka O-Sekoer) of Belgium was awarded a special prize ("honorable mention") at the infamous ...
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