July 27, 2024

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03/02 Links Pt2: Israelophobia and the West: The Hijacking of Civil Discourse on Israel and How to Rescue It; An Imam at a Bernie Rally Had Called for the Destruction of Israel

March 2, 2020 Ian

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2020/03/0302-links-pt2-israelophobia-and-west.htmlFrom Ian: Israelophobia and the West: The Hijacking of Civil Discourse on Israel and How to Rescue It The new Jerusalem Center publication Israelophobia and the West exposes and evaluates the parallel phenomena of unprecedented […]

03/02 Links Pt1: Let’s Stop Lying About the Two-State ‘Solution’; Sanders on Battling AIPAC: They Have a Lot of Money and Power; Shi’ite Azerbaijan’s Historic Speech at AIPAC

March 2, 2020 Ian

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2020/03/0302-links-pt1-lets-stop-lying-about.htmlFrom Ian: Let’s Stop Lying About the Two-State ‘Solution’ At least leaders in the settler movement were consistent: They never believed in the two-state paradigm, but they came to believe that it served their goals […]

Israeli Election 2020: Did You Vote Yet?

March 2, 2020 Eldad Tzioni

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2020/03/israeli-election-2020-did-you-vote-yet.html It is midday here in Israel and the third time Israelis go to the polls to try to elect a majority after two earlier, unsuccessful attempts. This, in many respects, is the proof that […]

How the image of the Jew has changed in Egyptian cinema

March 2, 2020 Ian

http://jewishrefugees.blogspot.com/2020/03/how-image-of-jew-has-changed-in.htmlSariel Birnbaum has written this fascinating overview of the portrayal of Jews in Egyptian cinema in Middle East Quarterly. Antisemitic characters and tropes had their heyday in the 1950s and 60s, but seem to have […]

Delegitimisation & Danger: Dershowitz in Discussion

March 2, 2020 Ian

http://daphneanson.blogspot.com/2020/03/delegitimisation-danger-dershowitz-in.htmlBy Daphne Anson   On 26 February, Professor Alan Dershowitz on the current war against Jews and against the Jew amog the nations, Israel.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMhTzC72svw To quote the uploader: The new Jerusalem Center publication […]