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03/05 Links Pt2: Jewish student sues NJ school district after anti-Semitic bullying; House Dems Block Anti-BDS Bill; Canadian Arabic newspaper publishes article accusing Jews of blood libel

March 5, 2020 Ian

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2020/03/0305-links-pt2-jewish-student-sues-nj.htmlFrom Ian: Jewish student sues NJ school district after anti-Semitic bullying A Jewish woman filed a lawsuit against her former New Jersey school district Wednesday after she said officials failed to protect her from “endemic […]

03/05 Links Pt1: Who’s the Real Cause of Gaza’s Misery? Surprise: It’s Not Israel!; Eugene Kontorovich on the Trump Peace Plan; Trump Just Enabled Israel to Attack Iran’s Nuclear Sites

March 5, 2020 Ian

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2020/03/0305-links-pt1-whos-real-cause-of-gazas.htmlFrom Ian: Who’s the Real Cause of Gaza’s Misery? Surprise: It’s Not Israel! Instead, everyone looks the other way — condemning Israel, which is actually Gaza’s greatest, though still-hated, benefactor. In reality, Egypt could open […]

Aden Jewish cemetery has been razed

March 5, 2020 Ian

http://jewishrefugees.blogspot.com/2020/03/aden-jewish-cemetery-has-been-razed.htmlThe main Jewish cemetery in Aden  – a British colony until 1967 – has been razed to make way for urban development, in violation of western and Islamic values. The news was relayed by Dr […]

Jasbir Puar and the Moral Failure of the Academy

March 5, 2020 Ziy0nadmin

http://abuyehuda.com/2020/03/jasbir-puar-and-the-moral-failure-of-the-academy/Rutgers professor Jasbir Puar has been invited to speak at Scripps College in California by its chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine and several of the college’s academic departments. Puar is one of the […]

Mizrahim, the backbone of Likud’s support

March 5, 2020 Ian

http://jewishrefugees.blogspot.com/2020/03/mizrahim-backbone-of-likuds-support.htmlThis New York Times article by David Halbfinger spotlights Benjamin Netanyahu’s key Mizrahi constituency. But it ignores the Mizrahi attachment to patriotism and tradition (well explained in this interview with academic Nissim Mizrahi), and fails […]

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