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Too Much Democracy?

March 8, 2020 Ziy0nadmin

http://abuyehuda.com/2020/03/too-much-democracy/The idea that there should be an independent sovereign Jewish state in the world is, to understate the fact, controversial. Much of the European-oriented West and certainly the Arab Middle East opposes it. Even many […]

03/08 Links: David Collier: SOAS hosts Islamist linked fake Jewish group – created to attack Jews; The ironic bigotry of progressive activism; 1620-2020: the 400th Anniversary of the US-Israel Alliance

March 8, 2020 Ian

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2020/03/0308-links-david-collier-soas-hosts.htmlFrom Ian: David Collier: SOAS hosts Islamist linked fake Jewish group – created to attack Jews This exclusive account demonstrates that SOAS has been the venue for a hate-infested political group set up explicitly to […]

Mike Wallace interviews Abba Eban, 1958

March 8, 2020 Eldad Tzioni

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2020/03/mike-wallace-interviews-abba-eban-1958.htmlThis past week, American Zionism on Twitter posted the Mike Wallace interview with Abba Eban in 1958. I had posted it in 2012, although the videos on that articles no longer available. Here is is […]

Palestinian leaders issue a misogynist and pro-terror statement for International Women’s Day, celebrating "wives, mothers and daughters of martyrs and prisoners"

March 8, 2020 Eldad Tzioni

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2020/03/palestinian-leaders-issue-misogynist.html The Palestinian National Council issued a statement “recalling the role and contributions of Palestinian women to the Palestinian national struggle for liberation from occupation.” In a statement issued by its president, Salim Al-Zanoun, on […]

Anti-Zionism is antisemitism, example 2851

March 8, 2020 Eldad Tzioni

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2020/03/anti-zionism-is-antisemitism-example.html The first paragraph of an article in Algeria’s Shourouk News: World Zionism is a reality – a real force present in its actions, plans, effects, propaganda, intentions and goals .. It organizes groups of […]

The Jewish Disney family of Egypt: their rise and fall

March 8, 2020 Ian

http://jewishrefugees.blogspot.com/2020/03/the-jewish-disney-family-of-egypt-their.htmlA new documentary has been doing the rounds of the world’s film festivals: it tells the story’ of Egypt’s Jewish Disneys, the Frankel brothers. Raz Greenberg describes their rise and fall  in The Tablet: The […]

03/07 Links: Why Abbas Rejects Trump’s Deal (And Any Other Deal With Israel); Melanie Phillips: The real centre ground the only political show in town; Remembering a one-armed Zionist hero

March 8, 2020 Ian

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2020/03/0307-links-why-abbas-rejects-trumps.htmlFrom Ian: Ha’aretz: Why Abbas Rejects Trump’s Deal (And Any Other Deal With Israel) Years passed, and, responding to Trump’s plan at a January 28, 2020 press conference in Ramallah, Abbas exposed the deeper layer […]