July 27, 2024

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Sephardi rabbis approve Passover seder by ZOOM

March 25, 2020 Ian

http://jewishrefugees.blogspot.com/2020/03/sephardi-rabbis-approve-passover-seder.htmlIn a demonstration of how the Sephardi interpretation of halacha (religious law ) can often be more practical than that of Ashkenazi Orthodox rabbis,  fourteen Sephardi rabbis passed a ruling that the Passover seder can […]

Pallywood from Linda Sarsour’s charity

March 25, 2020 Eldad Tzioni

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2020/03/pallywood-from-linda-sarsours-charity.htmlI wrote yesterday about Baitulmaal, the Hamas-linked charity that Linda Sarsour is raising money for to supposedly help ready Gaza for a coronavirus outbreak. I included this photo from their website of Baitulmaal members on […]

IfNotNow Lies – an EoZTV video

March 25, 2020 Eldad Tzioni

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2020/03/ifnotnow-lies-eoztv-video.html Last night I livestreamed a point by point rebuttal of a Twitter thread by the hate group IfNotNow. We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please […]