January 15, 2025

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December 15, 2016 Ziy0nadmin

http://abuyehuda.com/2016/12/amona/I have avoided writing about Amona until now. This is because the legal issues surrounding the notion of land ownership in Judea and Samaria are so arcane that one legal scholar (email correspondence) wrote that […]

David Singer: France Humiliated by Abbas but Israel Remains Focused

December 15, 2016 Ian

http://daphneanson.blogspot.com/2016/12/david-singer-france-humiliated-by-abbas.htmlBy Daphne Anson   Here’s the latest article by Sydney lawyer and international affairs analyst David Singer. He writes: French foreign policy on resolving the Jewish-Arab conflict has been exposed to ridicule following France’s reported […]

Buy this book: 150 Palestinian Tales

December 15, 2016 Eldad Tzioni

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2016/12/buy-this-book-150-palestinian-tales.html A few months ago I was asked permission by Likud Netherlands to use a graphic I once made for a book they were preparing called 150 Palestinian Tales. I of course gave them permission, […]

15-Dec-16: What do the Palestinian Arabs think now?

December 15, 2016 Ian

http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/blogspot/jNPo/~3/TpuxnsOlQs4/15-dec-16-what-do-palestinian-arabs.html As Abbas starts the thirteenth year of his four-yearterm as president, nearly two-thirds of all Palestinian Arabs sayit’s time for him to go home [Image Source] We’re keenly interested in knowing what the Palestinian […]

Amona (Vic Rosenthal)

December 15, 2016 Eldad Tzioni

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2016/12/amona-vic-rosenthal.html  Vic Rosenthal’s Weekly Column I have avoided writing about Amona until now. This is because the legal issues surrounding the notion of land ownership in Judea and Samaria are so arcane that one legal […]

Crying crocodile tears over Aleppo

December 15, 2016 Ziy0nadmin

https://anneinpt.wordpress.com/2016/12/15/crying-crocodile-tears-over-aleppo/The world is bewailing the horrific events in Aleppo, Syria – the vicious bombardment by Assad’s regime and his willing executioners, the Russians, of the city of Aleppo. Having utterly destroyed every hospital and clinic […]

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