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Democracy, Fatah-style

December 3, 2016 Eldad Tzioni

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2016/12/democracy-fatah-style.htmlThe official Fatah Facebook page published an unintentionally hilarious post about the elections of the Fatah Central Committee held on Saturday: After casting his ballot in the election of the Fatah movement, President Mahmoud Abbas […]

The refugees keffiyeh-wearers ignore

December 3, 2016 Ian

http://jewishrefugees.blogspot.com/2016/12/the-refugees-keffiyah-wearers-ignore.htmlLyrical sermon given by Rabbi Andrea Zanardo of Brighton today,  the Shabbat following 30 November, the Day to remember Jewish refugees from Arab countries and Iran. Evoking the story of Jacob and Esau, he wonders […]