July 27, 2024

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Arab Arson: Choosing the Path of Hate (Judean Rose)

November 30, 2016 Eldad Tzioni

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2016/11/arab-arson-choosing-path-of-hate-judean.html It is a terrible time in Israel. Arabs are setting fire to our land, our forests, our homes. This cruel occupier of Jewish land plagues us much as God plagued the Egyptians. But instead […]

30-Nov-16: An Islamist mole inside Germany’s homeland security office?

November 30, 2016 Ian

http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/blogspot/jNPo/~3/RhgduIFOJfs/30-nov-16-islamist-mole-inside-germanys.html A BfV security person [Image Source] Less than two weeks ago, we wrote here [“21-Nov-16: German experts “discover” that Islamist terrorists are “being trained” to come into Europe as asylum seekers“] about some serious […]

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