October 7, 2024

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Good News Friday

July 15, 2016 Ziy0nadmin

https://anneinpt.wordpress.com/2016/07/15/good-news-friday-174/Once again a dreadful terror attack, this time in France, has made me think twice about posting a Good News Friday post, but I’ve come to the conclusion that if I only publish good news […]

Good news! "Jews are NOT sons of apes and pigs"

July 15, 2016 Ian

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2016/07/good-news-jews-are-not-sons-of-apes-and.htmlThis is the actual headline in an Al Watan op-ed. The author argues that the Quran could not have meant that when Allah turned Jews into apes and pigs it could not have been meant […]

Egyptian media in a panic over Israel restitution move

July 15, 2016 Ian

http://jewishrefugees.blogspot.com/2016/07/egyptian-media-in-panic-over-israel.htmlWhenever the question of Jewish property seized in Arab countries comes up, it is not unusual for Arab media to become somewhat hysterical. Yesterday’s Knesset session on restitution  of Jewish property in Arab lands, and […]

Arab Self Criticism: Key to Modern Peace and Prosperity

July 15, 2016 Ziy0nadmin

http://www.theaugeanstables.com/2016/07/15/arab-self-criticism-key-to-modern-peace-and-prosperity/I often complain about the lack of Arab self-criticism which I associate closely with honor-shame cultures and the importance of “saving face,” and eagerly seek out evidence that I’m wrong. Recently, a remarkable piece appeared at […]

Bo Persson, Swedish Public TV and Proleptic Dhimmitude

July 15, 2016 Ziy0nadmin

http://www.theaugeanstables.com/2016/07/15/bo-persson-swedish-public-tv-and-proleptic-dhimmitude/This is the first of many posts I’ll be making about the current scandal in Sweden over Bo Perrson’s Watching the Moon at Midnight. The Algemeiner has a brief article about it today, and there is […]

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