July 10, 2016
07/10 Links: UNESCO again tries to deny Jewish connection to Temple Mount; Another Gaza tunnel collapse
http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2016/07/0710-links-unesco-again-tries-to-deny.htmlFrom Ian: UNESCO again tries to deny Jewish connection to Temple Mount The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is again entertaining efforts to deny any Jewish connection to the Temple Mount.The motion, […]
Settlement Construction and the Criminalization of Jewish Life (Michael Lumish)
http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2016/07/settlement-construction-and.html Writing in Commentary magazine, Evelyn Gordon tells us: On Monday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon predictably assailed Israel’s announced decision to build 800 new apartments in Ma’aleh Adumim and eastern Jerusalem. He noted that just four days earlier, the […]
At last, a voice for Mizrahi history and culture
http://jewishrefugees.blogspot.com/2016/07/at-last-voice-for-mizrahi-history-and.htmlThe day that the Biton report recommending more Mizrahi and Sephardi content in Israel’s schools was presented to minister Naftali Bennett was a red-letter day for the 50 percent of Israelis who hail from Arab […]
EoZTV: #HasbyAwards part 5: Eugene Kontorovich presents Best Commentator award to Evelyn Gordon
http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2016/07/eoztv-hasbyawards-part-5-eugene.htmlWorld renowned legal expert Eugene Kontorovich starts with a comedy routine about the Hasbys and the Elders’ superhero identities, but then talks about how the anti-Israel narrative is meant not to be descriptive but self-fulfilling […]
Pieces of Hate: "The Palestinian cause is … for the exploited & oppressed masses in our era"
http://daphneanson.blogspot.com/2016/07/pieces-of-hate-palestinian-cause-is-for.htmlBy Daphne Anson In London last week, a mob of abusive Palestine Solidarity Campaign activists taunt an unexpected showing of pro-Israelis, standing in dignified fashion in silent counter-protest while the PSCniks raise fists in […]
10-Jul-16: Saturday night Arab-on-Israel gunfire attack on lone vehicle in Gush Etzion
http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/blogspot/jNPo/~3/NLOsr0L8vJM/10-jul-16-saturday-night-arab-on-israel.html The communities of Gush Etzion, sorted by size of population[Data Source: Wikipedia] Visitors to Israel and especially to the capital know that the Gush Etzion communities are located just a few minutes drive south […]
.@Amnesty changes Abu Jame story, but still blames Israel
http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2016/07/amnesty-changes-abu-jame-story-but.htmlLast year Amnesty International came out with a page on the one-year anniversary of the Gaza war (advertising their very inaccurate Gaza Platform) with its usual combination of lies and half-truths. One of the charges […]
Biton report re-ignites culture wars
http://jewishrefugees.blogspot.com/2016/07/biton-report-re-ignites-culture-wars.htmlWith thanks: Sylvia and Eliyahu The Biton report, which was released last week, has already sparked a furious controversy. No sooner than the ink was dry on the report into how more Mizrahi and Sephardi […]
Don’t forget: Elder speaking in Jerusalem on Arab antisemitism tonight
http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2016/07/dont-forget-elder-speaking-in-jerusalem.htmlI will be giving a talk on Arab antisemitism and why NGOs, the media and politicians largely ignore it. The talk will be tonight in Jerusalem at the Young Israel of Talpiyot Mizrach. You can […]