February 11, 2025

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10 years after the war

July 12, 2016 Forest Rain

https://forestrain.wordpress.com/2016/07/12/10-years-after-the-war/Ten years ago, on July 12th, 2006 the Second Lebanon War began with a coordinated Hezbollah attack on Israeli civilians and soldiers. They rained missiles down on towns in northern Israel causing injury, destruction and […]

Why do I love Israel? (Forest Rain)

July 12, 2016 Ian

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2016/07/why-do-i-love-israel-forest-rain.htmlDaphne Anson has regretfully told me that she no longer has time to write her Tuesday column for EoZ, as she has other projects. We are sorry to see her go and wish her luck.I […]

EoZTV: Interview with Ben Dror Yemini, part 2

July 12, 2016 Ian

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2016/07/eoztv-interview-with-ben-dror-yemini.html My discussion with the famous Israeli writer continues with discussions about Mahmoud Abbas’ potential successors,  Peter Beinart and others actively hurting the chances for peace by encouraging PA intransigence, and how holding Israel to […]

Muslim nations are reneging on pledges to rebuild Gaza

July 12, 2016 Ian

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2016/07/muslim-nations-are-reneging-on-pledges.html The World Bank is keeping track of how the nations that have pledged to rebuild Gaza after Operation Protective Edge have been keeping their promises. It finds that only 40% of the pledges  – […]

The return of the "rabbi permits soldiers to rape" slander

July 12, 2016 Ian

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2016/07/the-return-of-rabbi-permits-soldiers-to.html The IDF appointed a new chief rabbi, Rabbi Eyal Qarim. Already the Arab media (echoing Israeli media) are saying that Rabbi Qarim issued a legal ruling a few years back allowing soldiers to rape […]