Amnesty International writes on its “Freedom of Expression” webpage:
Your voice matters. You have the right to say what you think, share information and demand a better world. You also have the right to agree or disagree with those in power, and to express these opinions in peaceful protests.Amnesty International supports people who speak out peacefully for themselves and for others – whether a journalist reporting on violence by security forces, a trade unionist exposing poor working conditions or an indigenous leader defending their land rights against big business. We would similarly defend the right of those who support the positions of big business, the security forces and employers to express their views peacefully.
As usual, there is a Jewish exception.
The Jerusalem Post reports that Amnesty International has suspended its Israeli branch for two years, saying it was because of supposed “anti-Palestinian racism” – but mainly because it publicly criticized two of Amnesty’s reports about Israel.
“We take this action in response to evidence of endemic anti-Palestinian racism within AI Israel, which violates core human rights principles and Amnesty values, and evidence of AI Israel’s misalignment with and hostility to Amnesty positions,” Amnesty International interim chair Tiumalu Lauvale Peter Fa’afiu wrote in an email.
“AI Israel has sought to publicly discredit Amnesty’s human rights research and positions. Its efforts to publicly undermine the findings and recommendations of Amnesty’s 2022 report on Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians and, more recently, Amnesty’s 2024 report on Israel’s genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, have been deeply prejudicial to Amnesty’s human rights mission, threatening our credibility, integrity and operational coherence,” Fa’afiu wrote.
“This action is taken under the authority of Article 34 of the Statute of Amnesty International (POL 20/8464/2024) and is necessary to protect the reputation, integrity and operational coherence of the Amnesty Movement at large,” Fa’afiu said in the Monday email.
Fa’afiu’s email twice mentions protecting Amnesty’s “operational coherence” as the reason to suspend AI Israel for publicly disagreeing with Amnesty’s reports. However, that phrase does not appear in Article 34 of the Amnesty statute; instead it says the International Board may suspend membership of an entity if it “considers
such action necessary to protect the reputation,
integrity or operation of the movement.”
such action necessary to protect the reputation,
integrity or operation of the movement.”
There is a big difference between “operation” and “operational coherence.” The latter phrase means that no one within the movement is allowed to publicly criticize Amnesty. Internal debate is evidence of a culture of free speech; a demand for “operational coherence” is the opposite.
The phrase “operational coherence” does not appear anywhere in Amnesty’s site. This is a brand new rule that Amnesty made up just for its Israeli branch.
Amnesty’s report made up and justified a new definition of “genocide” just for Israel, as well as previously making up new definitions of “apartheid” and “occupation” solely for Israel. Here they made up a new policy just to silence criticism within the organization.
This is Soviet-level newspeak from a supposed human rights organization.
Moreover, we’ve seen numerous instances where Amnesty does not consider supporting literal antisemites to harm its “reputation and integrity.”
Amnesty-UK has refused to allow a Jewish – not Israeli, Jewish – group from renting its premises while it has allowed clear Jew-haters to use their space.
Amnesty has praised a Palestinian group, “Youth Against Settlements,” which has posted antisemitic fake Talmud quotes.
Amnesty-USA has sponsored a speaking tour of Bassem Tamimi, who has posted that Israel details Palestinian children to steal their organs and then the Zionist-controlled media blocks reporting of the story.
In 2015, the only resolution rejected by Amnesty at its annual conference was one condemning antisemitic attacks in Britain.
In 2012, an Amnesty researcher tweeted a “joke” saying that England’s Jewish MKs support bombing civilians in Gaza.
None of these antisemitic incidents resulted in Amnesty suspending anyone for damaging its reputation or integrity. Amnesty proudly supports its antipathy towards Jews, and it writes its reports to appeal to antisemites who support that reputation.
Because antisemitism is part of Amnesty’s “operational coherence.”
“He’s an Anti-Zionist Too!” cartoon book (December 2024) PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism (February 2022) |
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