February 10, 2025

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Is there a lower limit for Israel-haters in academia?

May 1, 2017 Eldad Tzioni

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2017/05/is-there-lower-limit-for-israel-haters.htmlBy Petra Marquardt-Bigman The Spring 2017 edition of Fathom – a journal that offers a lot of interesting material on Israel – includes a review of a book that was publishedlast year under the title “Israel […]

On Wisconsin (Divest This!)

May 1, 2017 Eldad Tzioni

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2017/05/on-wisconsin-divest-this.html Days after questioning whether we should be taking student government divestment votes seriously any longer, along came Exhibit A-Z for why we shouldn’t, direct from the University of Wisconsin at Madison (UWM). This story […]

Historical/cultural appropriation and reality inversion

May 1, 2017 Ziy0nadmin

http://abuyehuda.com/2017/05/historicalcultural-appropriation-and-reality-inversion/Imitation may really be the sincerest form of flattery. We Zionists, therefore, should be flattered that our deadly enemies have claimed our history and our land for themselves. The enemies of the Jewish state and […]

Egyptian Minister compares jihadists to Jews

May 1, 2017 Eldad Tzioni

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2017/05/egyptian-minister-compares-jihadists-to.html One of the main criticisms aimed at Islamic leaders today is that they have not generally attacked ISIS from a theological perspective. Young people often see in ISIS a pure Islamic theology, consistent with […]

Jewish pilgrims banned, but still visit Algeria

May 1, 2017 Ian

http://jewishrefugees.blogspot.com/2017/05/jewish-pilgrims-banned-but-still-visit.html The tomb of the 15th century rabbi Ephraim Alnaqa (also known as Encawa) remains off-limits to Jewish visitors to Algeria, the largest group of tourists to the country. The last hilloula, or pilgrimage, was in […]

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