July 27, 2024

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Iraqi lawyer Hamdani demands justice for Jews

May 26, 2017 Ian

http://jewishrefugees.blogspot.com/2017/05/iraqi-lawyer-demands-justice-for-jews.htmlEvery so often a voice may be heard in the Arab world arguing that their state cannot be democratic unless the rights of all minorities are respected. The latest such voice belongs to Ammar al-Hamadani, […]

From Ilan to Sarah Halimi: Shameful France

May 26, 2017 Richard Landes

http://www.theaugeanstables.com/2017/05/26/from-ilan-to-sarah-halimi-shameful-france/ French public intellectual, Alexandra Laignel-Lavastine, has written an open letter to Gerard Collomb, the new French Minister of the Interior about the stunning silence in the French public sphere about the terrible murder of Sarah […]

Manchester, identifying the extremism

May 26, 2017 Ziy0nadmin

http://david-collier.com/manchester-telaviv-isis-hamas/ This story begins in Tel Aviv, not Manchester. In a few days it will be exactly sixteen years since the Dolphinarium massacre. A terror attack against a discotheque that killed 21 Israelis, 16 of […]

Good News Friday

May 26, 2017 Ziy0nadmin

https://anneinpt.wordpress.com/2017/05/26/good-news-friday-208/We are still in celebratory mood after the festivities of the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem, so this Good News Friday installment will reflect that as well as the historic visit of President […]

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