By Daphne Anson
Coincidentally yet not inappropriately on the day France goes to the polls, here’s a guest blog by French oleh Jean Vercors.
I’ve added the emphasis (bold font), on his text and below.
Writes Jean Vercors:
‘On the evening of Monday, May 1st, we celebrated Yom Ha’atzmaut, the 69th anniversary of the State of Israel. The return of the Jewish people to its ancestral land is a real miracle; it regains its sovereignty in Israel on May 14, 1948, the 5th Iyar of the year 5708 of the Hebrew calendar.
Surprisingly, the month of Iyar is the only month that bears a Hebrew name, the other months being Aramaic.
The Book of Kings calls it ziv (1 Kings 6: 1 and 6:37), or “shine,” for it is the moment when the trees shine with all their “splendor” (Rashi and Radaq).
According to Rabbi Yehoshua, the patriarchs Abraham and Jacob were born during the month of Nissan, which brought new light to the world (in Hebrew zohar, ziv in Aramaic). And it was the following month, that of iyar, which first benefited from this new era of light following their coming into the world (Rosh hashana 11a).
The miracle began with the Lovers of Zion (Hebrew: בבובבי ציון, Hovevei Tsion), a popular, social and national Jewish movement that was active between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century and aimed at renewal from the people of Israel, through the return to Zion and the reconstruction of their homeland.
Then it was successive Aliyot (to ascend) that built the nation and made the new desert become the start-up nation, where 20 per cent of the foreign companies listed at the NASDAQ are Israelis.
Another miracle.
According to the essence and faith, to the people, to the return of its natural state and to the definition of the Maharal of Prague, the normality of a people must meet three conditions:
1-He must live on his land,
2-Free and independent,
3-Together in non-dispersed.
The prophet Ezekiel (chapter 28):
“‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: When I gather the people of Israel from the nations where they have been scattered, I will be proved holy through them in the sight of the nations. Then they will live in their own land, which I gave to my servant Jacob. They will live there in safety, they will build houses and plant vines.”
Indeed, there is a great mitzvah to inhabit the land of Israel. According to Rashi and Rambam, this is a mitzvah of the Torah, the Torah is Zionist, and Hashem is Zionist.
Since the end of the 19th century, it has been a series of miracles. Despite a hostile and chaotic neighborhood, Israel continues to grow. It’s great to be a free and independent country for 69 years.
The Jewish national calendar of Israel is embellished with new festivals that Israel has placed at the center of its national Jewish consciousness and which define the most important moments of the year of Israeli society.
Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Memorial Day), Yom Hazikaron (Day of Remembrance of Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism) and Yom Ha’atzmaut (Independence Day) celebrate the celebrations in a single week.
Independence Day is a celebration of the renewal of the Jewish state on the land of Israel, the birthplace of the Jewish people.
In the land, the Jewish people began to develop its distinctive religion and culture some 4,000 years ago, and little is known about it, has retained an unbroken physical presence there, for centuries as a sovereign state, as formerly under domination Foreign exchange.
Throughout its long history, the desire to return to its land has been at the center of Jewish life.
Theodor Herzl, leader and founder of the Zionist movement, kindled international recognition for the need for a Jewish state.
Since its creation, Israel continues to be a homeland for the thousands of people who come to live there each year. All its citizens enjoy the same democratic rights delimited by the Declaration of Independence of the State of Israel.
Despite terrorist attacks and threats of war, Israel creates and innovates every day in every field, whether medical, scientific, or high-tech.
The small agricultural nation that declared its independence 69 years ago is today a superpower, the 8th largest in the world, a world leader in the fields of biotechnology, the environment, and very present in the field of culture And art.
On Yom Ha’atzmaut we express our political independence and our security.
As Rav Kook has stated, Jewish nationalism does not depend on the state; The basis of our nationality is our spiritual holiness. He writes :
“There are righteous people, philosophers, and holy men in the world, but there is no nation whose inherent soul can be fulfilled only by the purpose of the divine plan in the world – other than Israel.
Individuals are everywhere, but an entire nation that represents G-d does not exist. It is our uniqueness.
Since the days of the Hasmoneans (Greek Domination, 32 to -142), for nearly 70 generations, until the liberation of part of the land of our ancestors in our war of independence and the restoration of a Jewish state within its borders, no new holiday has been added to our annual cycle of joyful days.
The return of Israel to the land of his ancestors is predicted in the Bible: ‘Hashem Your Lord shall bring you into the land which your fathers have possessed, and ye shall possess it “(Deut. 30: 5).
In other words, on the day of Yom Ha’atzmaut, I must not only remember the past, but I must strengthen my present with the same energy that is renewed in the universe at this precise moment.
That is, to strengthen my roots with my land, my people, my Torah and myself.
This is the true meaning of Yom Ha’atzmaut following Yom Hashoah and Yom Hazikaron. He redefines Israel as a family that weeps together, and by remembering the price we paid to be free Jews, it redefines the meaning of Israel.
A people decimated by the Nazi Final Solution experienced a sovereign regeneration only three years after the Holocaust. A nation facing a war of extinction from the very first day of its creation – and relentlessly thereafter with more wars, waves of terrorism, economic boycotts, incitement to mortal frenzy, its legitimacy – and never gave up or surrendered.
Despite the ever-present threats, the Israelis have embraced life to the fullest, have not succumbed to a siege mentality, nor lost the aspiration for lasting peace and normality.
When we turn to Yom Ha’atzmaout, we do it with a deep sense of responsibility. Our country was not given to us on a silver platter.
Israel must be the one who remembers, and through this memory he constantly commands himself to be worthy of the price we have paid. It is a memory that obliges us to embrace life and challenges us to live it to the fullest, to build lives individually and collectively. This is Israel’s task. It is the legacy of our past and the challenge of our future.
Through courage, inspiration, sacrifice and innovation, and the challenge of every chance, the Israelis built a remarkable country in their ancestral home.
Again, the work is incomplete and the challenges are many.
But in 69 years, the Israelis proved strongly that Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion was right when he said: “In Israel, to be realistic, you have to believe in miracles.”
Regardless of how you feel about Israel as a nation, or the Arab-Israeli conflict, it is not possible to deny that Europe has much to learn from our successes.
By resisting the cultural Marxism and Islamization that have seized a large part of humanity, Israel has given itself a strong chance of survival. The very young Europe and its young people would do well to imitate what Israel and its very old people do if they hope to survive.
Their fate is in great danger while that of the Jewish people continues its way intact.’
I don’t know Monsieur Vercors’s views on the current French presidential contest, but I do know that if Emmanuel Macron truly believes in “Open Borders” then he is dooming his country to a bleak future, as indicated in my previous post.
Here’s another searing indictment of Macron, in summary.
France: Emmanuel Macron, Useful Idiot of Islamism by Yves Mamou • May 7, 2017 at 1:30 am
Emmanuel Macron, a “Useful Infidel,” is not a supporter of terrorism or Islamism. It is worse: he does not even see the threat.
Louizi’s article gave names and dates, explaining how Macron’s political movement has largely been infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood militants.
Is Macron an open promoter of Islamism in France? It is more politically correct to say that he is a “globalist” and an “open promoter of multiculturalism”. As such, he does not consider Islamism a national threat because the French nation, or, as he has said, French culture, does not really exist.
Read the full article here
And here’s an incisive analysis of what ails Europe’s leaders today. Not that it’s fair to blame Europe’s seemingly inexorable plunge into the destructive vortex solely on childless politicians.
There are plenty of childless people, including some of the best and most courageous political pundits (a number of whom are openly gay), who fear as much as any parent worried for their children’s future the creeping islamisation of the European continent.
It’s not necessary to have children to dread an Islamic future for one’s country or continent. What is necessary is to recognise the superiority of Western civilisation and of Judeo-Christian values over benightedness and barbarity, and to see society as a social contract between past, present and future.
The enablers of population replacement and islamisation are not only betraying the next generation and those that come after it; they are betraying their ancestors and themselves.
Europe’s Childless Leaders Sleepwalking Us to Disaster by Giulio Meotti • May 6, 2017 at 5:00 am
As Europe’s leaders have no children, they seem have no reason to worry about the future of their continent.
“Europe today has little desire to reproduce itself, fight for itself or even take its own side in an argument”. — Douglas Murray, The Times.
“Finding ourselves’ becomes more important than building a world.” — Joshua Mitchell.
Read the full article here
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