July 27, 2024

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TV series Fauda is a runaway success in the Arab world


The Israeli Netflix series Fauda is a runaway success in the Arab world, the Algemeiner reports. The series is based on the adventures of a Mossad hit squad operating in the Palestinian territories. It features Arabic-speaking Jews posing as Arabs and this itself shatters stereotypes about Israelis. The main character, played by Lior Raz, is of Iraqi and Algerian parentage. 

Lior Raz plays the main character, Doron

Asked why the series is so popular, co-creator Avi Issacharoff noted that a large amount of the show’s dialogue is in Arabic. “I think part of it is the language, which means that ‘Fauda’ has crossed over into the Arabic language, and we are also bringing the story on both sides, not just from the Israeli side,” he said.

 “Of course, the corona also — that is, the fact that people are sitting at home and have nothing to do, so it certainly encourages people to watch, even if it means an Israeli series,” Issacharoff added.

Lior Raz, who plays the series’ main character Doron, said the show’s success in the Arab world was “very, very exciting.”

 “We are really pleased that we were able to reach the Arab public that we usually have no contact with,” he commented.

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