July 27, 2024

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Israel confirms some of the major – and early! – fires were terrorism


Israel’s Tax Authority announced that some of the major fires that swept through Israel last week were set deliberately.

Here’s their list so far, with dates and times of the fires:

Tal-El, 20.11, 02:00
Zikhron Ya’akov, 22.11, 11:30
Dolev, 22.11, 20:30
Gilon, 23.11, 00:00
Talmon, 23.11, 21:00
Haifa, 24.11, 10:00
Nirit, 24.11, 15:00
Nataf, 25.11, 15:00
Halamish, 25.11, 22:50

The fires didn’t make the headlines until last Wednesday November 23, which means that some of the arson was not opportunistic based on the news coverage, but was deliberately planned.

And these were not small fires. The Tal-El fire burned 150 dunams and caused evacuations. The Zichron Yaakov blaze caused injuries, burned houses and caused mass evacuations. The Dolev blaze was 20 meters high. 

And of course, the Haifa blazes were gigantic as well.

Officials say roughly one third of the fires were terror attacks.

(h/t Yoel)

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