April 26, 2024

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Comment on Facebook’s essential extremism by MrCohen


blog moderator Vic Rosenthal said:

“… over the years, many of my more Liberal
friends have un-friended me, mostly as a result of
my posts about Barack Obama’s anti-Israel policies

my personal response:

Rabbi Avigdor Miller (of blessed memory) taught
that only LOYAL JEWS have a place in the afterlife
that is reserved for righteous Jews.

Gentiles who help and support Israel
will go to Heaven. Traitorous Jews who
choose to support the genocidal enemies
of the Jewish people will go to Hell.

In the Jewish Bible, and in the classic Rabbinic
writings, there is not even one example of a
disloyal traitorous Jew who was considered
to be righteous or praiseworthy.

Jews who sympathize with the genocidal enemies
of the Jewish people are very sick ignorant brainwashed
fools; they are like a cancer on the body of the Jewish
people, a cancer that must be cut out to save the patient.

If I were forced to choose between having disloyal
traitorous Jews as my friends, or having no friends at all,
I would choose to have no friends at all.

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