A tweet from the head of the Arab Joint List Ayman Odeh, translated:
550 Arab students joined the Technion, 60% of them women! The Technion was once virtually closed to us and this year 25% of the male students and 35% of the new female students are Arab!
Dani Dayan first responded by thanking Odeh for pointing out that Israel doesn’t discriminate. Odeh then replied that the Arabs are successful in spite of Israeli discrimination and racism. In other words, all achievements are due to Arabs and all obstacles are due to Jews.
Dayan again responded by pointing out that clearly Israel doesn’t practice discrimination, as any statistician would point out that the percentage of Arabs at Technion are way higher than their numbers Israel-wide.
Anet Haskia, a proud Israeli Arab, responded that if Odeh didn’t exist he would have to be invented just to perpetuate his racism towards the state.
(h/t Yoel)
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