July 27, 2024

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Times (UK) implies "Jews" want to silence centuries-old call to Muslim prayer


The beginning of the Times of London’s coverage of the proposed Israeli law to limit the volume on the Muslim call to prayer shows nothing but anti-Jewish bias:

Ear-splitting loudspeakers are now considered a “call to prayer that has echoed for centuries”?

The rest of the article is nearly as bad:

The Knesset will vote this week on a bill to restrict the use of loudspeakers in mosques, which sound out five times a day. Supporters say it is a quality-of-life issue: the broadcasts are a nuisance, they argue, particularly the pre-dawn call at 4.45am.
Arabs, who make up one fifth of Israel’s population, see it as an attack on their religious freedom. “It’s a populist and racist law, shrouded in excuses,” Amir Badran said at a weekend protest. “They’re trying to delegitimise the Arab public.”

But way towards the end, we find out that the version of the bill that is being voted on will only ban the loudspeakers for the very first call to prayer of the day, and allow the other four:

The bill now under discussion would only apply between 11pm and 7am, only affecting the earliest Muslim call to prayer.

If the article would have led with this fact instead of framing it as an attack of Jews against Muslim human rights, the readers would have gotten a different impression.

The comments on the article indicate that the Times of London has completely ignored the fires in Israel over the past week, but instead chooses to publish this other type of incendiary article.

(h/t Howard S)

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