May 1, 2024

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Pro-Hamas "rabbi" seemingly trying to sneak into Israel from Egypt

David Mivasair is the “rabbi” of a synagogue in Vancouver named Ahavat Olam. Judging from its website, the synagogue has no address outside a post office box and has not planned any events since announcing services last Rosh Hashanah which may or may have not actually occurred. Mivasair seems to make his living doing weddings and teaching kids their bar/bat mitzvah portions.

At one point he was on J-Street’s rabbinic council, although I’m not sure he still is. He is active in Jewish Voice for Peace.

He is on the record supporting Hamas rockets to Sderot.

Whenever we read about … I have to say about a puny, ineffective rocket fired into some place like Sderot, something to think about is very likely that very likely the people firing it are the children or grandchildren of people who perhaps once lived in Sderot. But it wasn’t Sderot, it was a Palestinian village that had existed there for centuries that had several hundred people who were forcibly expelled at gunpoint and when the place was empty, then Jews moved in and built a town…

Mivasair also implicitly justified 9/11 by saying that Israel and the US are to blame for radical Islam in critiquing a sermon by another rabbi:

The sermon identifies radical Islam as “the enemy” of our time just as Nazism was so disastrously the enemy three-quarters of a century ago. Further, it says that for Jews not to recognize this today is parallel to Jews in Europe in the 1930’s not accepting the reality of the threat posed by the Nazis in their time – which only makes the threat of radical Islam more threatening and largely the fault of those Jews who don’t think so.
The writer avoids any mention that both the US and Israel might have done something to elicit such enmity. It is as if it arose spontaneously, a completely irrational aberration in human thinking, with no relationship whatsoever to anything that the USA and Israel have ever done.
On Rosh ha-Shanah, of all days, we need to look at our own failures and misdeeds. …
… It is not Israel’s mere existence which has led to growing enmity but rather Israel’s actions. Similarly, the reader is expected to forget current US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and decades of history, for instance, that the dictatorial regime in Saudi Arabia which produces Wahabi extremists and exports “radical Islam” is itself a direct creation British imperialism at the end of World War I and would not have survived without United States support.

This year, Mivasiair hosted a seder themed around Deir Yassin in a church.

In other words, Mivasair is a disgusting excuse for a human, let alone a Jew or a “rabbi.”

Mivasair created a GoFundMe page to raise funds to go to “Palestine” this month, joining a group of Israel-haters in Hebron to protest “50 years of Occupation” with the anti-Israel group called the Center for Jewish Nonviolence whose activities are planned for May 14 – 22.

Yesterday, a week before the “direct actions” in the territories, he flew to the Middle East – but not to Israel.

On his Facebook page he wrote:

In my seat in Egypt Air 996 to Cairo. Announcer welcomes us “as-Salaam aleikum wa-rahmat-Allah wa-birkathu” — peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessing. We will be in Cairo in 11 hours inshaAllah — if God wills it.

It appears that Mivasair knows that Israel is cracking down on anti-Israel activists at the airport and is trying to sneak into Israel through the Taba crossing in Egypt instead, hoping that the Israelis aren’t looking as hard at that crossing.

I doubt he came up with this idea himself, chances are that many of the planned protesters have come up with this way to sneak in as well.

(h/t Omri)

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