July 27, 2024

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Oh, look. J-Street thinks it has ethics.


From J-Street:

It’s almost too outrageous to believe: An umbrella group that claims to represent the American Jewish community plans to host its 2016 Hanukkah Party at Trump Hotel.

Trump’s campaign rhetoric and policy positions are an affront to some of the most core values of American Jews. To hold a Hanukkah party under the Trump banner is shocking in its wrong-headedness. 

Yes, this is the same J-Street who hosts BDS supporters like Mustafa Barghouti at its conference.  The same J-Street  where a member of its advisory council openly advocates Israel’s destruction – to applause! – at a J-Street conference. The same J-Street that twists itself up into pretzels to downplay the very real history of support for antisemitism from a member of Congress, saying merely that his statements are “inartful.” The same J-Street that eagerly gives forums to those who want to ethnically cleanse Jews.

All of that is perfectly fine.

But visiting a hotel that happens to have the name “Trump” on it is “too outrageous to believe.”

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