July 27, 2024

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Israel is doing a really bad job of erasing its non-Jewish history


From JPost:

The Antiquities Authority announced Sunday that a juglet full of rare 1,200-year-old gold coins was discovered in an excavation in Yavne just before the festival.

As revealed by IAA coin expert Robert Kool, the coins date back to the early Abbasid Period, 9th century CE. The period marked the beginning of a golden age for the Muslim empire, with the Abbasid rulers acquiring international status and promoting art, science, commerce and industry. According to Kool, among the coins was a dinar from the reign of Caliph Harun al-Rashid (786-809 CE), whose court was the setting of many parts of the world-renowned One Thousand and One Nights– also known as Arabian Nights.

“The hoard also includes coins that are rarely found in Israel,” Kool said. “These are gold dinars issued by the Aghlabid dynasty that ruled in North Africa, in the region of modern Tunisia, on behalf of the Abbasid Caliphate centered in Baghdad,” he added. 

But I thought Israel was weaponizing archaeology to erase all Muslim history!

It gets “worse” – the Israel Antiquities Authority even admits there was a Persian presence in the fourth century CE!

Even older artifacts were revealed in the region. According to the IAA, a large wine production installation dating back to the Persian Period (4th – 5th centuries) was uncovered in a different area of the excavation. Codirector of the excavation Elie Haddad explained that an “initial analysis of the contents of the installation revealed ancient grape pips [seeds].” Hadded added, “The size and number of vats found at the site indicated that wine was produced on a commercial scale, well beyond the local needs of Yavne’s ancient inhabitants.”

Here’s the thing: Jews are secure in their own history in the land, which is why they have no problem publicizing the others who have lived there. Arabs, on the other hand, are not nearly as secure in their history, so they are the ones what need to erase the Jewish parts of history.

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