February 11, 2025

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Idiots say Israel is allied with Al Qaeda. And ISIS. And even Iran.


Electronic Intifada, which tacitly supports Syria’s bombing and gassing its own citizens, has spent a great deal of energy trying to pretend that Israel is somehow allied with Al Qaeda in Syria, because some of the people it gave medical attention to are apparently members of the Al Nusra Front which is fighting both ISIS and Iranian-backed Syrian and Hezbollah troops.

Other idiots like Richard Silverstein have seized on an offhand comment that Moshe Yaalon made that ISIS had “apologized” for firing on Israeli troops. The Daily Mail explains why:

Under Israeli law, it is technically illegal to communicate with a terrorist group because they are classed as ‘enemy agents’ – raising questions as to how exactly the apology was delivered.
But a clue might be found in the testimony of Jürgen Todenhöfer, the German man who spent 10 days inside the Islamic State in 2014.
He told the Jewish News the only country IS fighters feared is Israel.
‘They told me they know the Israeli army is too strong for them,’ he said.
He added: ‘They are not scared of the British and the Americans, they are scared of the Israelis and told me the Israeli army is the real danger.’
Mr Ya’alon’s comment about the apology was related to his country’s strategy in the Syrian Civil War.
Israel has adopted a policy of non-intervention in Syrian Civil War, but has defended its borders when fighting spilled over in the past.
They have remained out of the fight for the most part, but have hit back hard when fighting spills into the Israeli Golan Heights – land Israel took from Syria in the 1967 Six-Day War.  

But Silverstein, writing in “Russia Insider,” uses his impeccable logic to say that “when you bomb an ally you apologise. When you bomb an enemy – you don’t. What does that make IS to Israel?”

There ya go!

But wait, there’s more! Israel is also allied with Iran!

Hisham Najjar writes in a Libyan paper that Israel and Iran have a lot in common. They both occupy land that is not theirs, they both attack Arabs, they both want to expand their empires (Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates,), they both expel opponents, they both extend their influence to Africa, they both are working on or have nuclear weapons, Jews are still grateful for Persians giving them rights in Jerusalem 2500 years ago, and both are religious-based states.

Therefore, he says, don’t be fooled by the rhetoric they employ against each other; they are really on the same side.

Just remember – everyone also agrees that Israel is Islamophobic.

What do all of these bizarre opinions have in common?

It shows that for people who hate the idea of Jewish self-determination, Jews are always allied with whomever they consider their enemies at the moment. This is the same thinking that had Communists accuse Jews of being capitalists and American antisemites accusing Jews of being Communists, of Europeans accusing Jews of being Semitic and of Arabs accusing Jews of being European.

In the end, it is all the same hate, dressed up in different clothing. And it would be laughable if it wasn’t the same hate that also has been responsible for some of the worst atrocities in history.

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