There are at least 20 Arabic websites that are condemning a new cafe in Jerusalem that provides free drinks for Israeli soldiers.
The preacher of Al – Aqsa Mosque and head of the Supreme Islamic Council , Dr. Ikrima Sabri, described the cafe “dangerous,” saying, “the occupation isolates the mosque and worshipers using various ways and means, and they are opening a cafe for soldiers near the gates of Al-Aqsa mosque in order to provoke the feelings of the worshipers, these actions increase the tension in the place. ” Other articles say that it adds gasoline on the fire of the tensions in Jerusalem.
Many of the articles specifically mention the horror of the Jews placing a “Talmudic Mezuzah” on the doorway of the cafe.
The shop is located at the exact location where, one year ago, a Palestinian terrorist murdered 22 year old Aharon Benita and stabbed his wife and baby. Rabbi Nehamia Lavi heard the screams of Mrs. Banita and went to investigate and was stabbed to death as well.
The Jewish youth of the Old City raised 50,000 shekels to renovate a store in order to show appreciation to Israeli soldiers who put their lives on the line to protect them.
For a year, the youths of the Old City have been distributing cakes and soft drinks to soldiers who patrol the area and they decided to expand the enterprise.
This is a highly appropriate reaction to a terror attack: to show appreciation to those who endanger their lives and to show that such attacks will not succeed in scaring the residents to flee. On the contrary, they create incentive for them to stay.
Every terror attack should result in simlar concrete actions to make it clear that terror will not only not succeed, but will backfire.
Those who use these attacks as excuses to push another Judenfrei area are the ones who are ensuring that such attacks will increase.
Making statements like this is the only way to reach real peace.
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