May 4, 2024

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Comment on Film Review: “Hate Spaces: The Politics of Intolerance on Campus” by Keefe Goldfisher

The failure of ordinary Americans to fight for their liberties, to increasingly self-censure and ignore the country’s laws, actively repudiate and wage war on one’s own culture–this is the sine qua non for the absence of will that allows BDS, anti-Semitism, radical Islam, Black Lives Matter, anti-Trump rioting, anti-police violence, cultural splintering by identity group, grievance mongering, religion-bashing… and a whole host of other isms, ings and ites to flourish in the most vulnerable areas of society… like schools. It is a huge operation at the margins to bring down the whole of American society in steadily mounting nuisance attacks to sap the host’s strength.

One gets a window into this Orwellian world, even without this film you’re reviewing, by looking at Europe now, where, save for the UK, all of the continent acquiesces to the depredations of Islamism (and this too applies to Britain) to the point that lawful behavior is criminalized and outrageous and criminal behavior is pardoned, ignored or endorsed. And the fate of the Jews suffers for the overall inability to protect culture. How is it that Muslim immigrants swamped these countries against the will of each native population and not a single government has fallen since? How is that Geert Wilders stands trial for asking a question about the quantity of Moroccans in Holland? Why do the French allow Muslims to form a country within their France? How can a man die for drawing a cartoon or directing a film?

Trump represents the beginning of the American pushback, but there are at least 3 1/2 generations since WWII of US students propagandized by tenured ideologues and vulnerable by overactive guilt and the constant neglect of the small compromises they have made that surely did not at the time seem strong enough to swamp the whole American enterprise, but taken together, have started to accumulate towards that effect. Think of how just 8 years of Obama has given so much momentum to this descent, and how close we came to having another 8 years of reinforcement to it. Why must we come so close to the peril of losing our Constitution and melting-pot unity?

When a proud culture repudiates its enemies and critics out of the conviction of its superior government and culture and will not harbor them, anti-Semitism cannot survive… because there is no group large enough to give credence and cover to anti-Semitism’s purveyors.

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