April 28, 2024

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Islam & Jerusalem: Fact & Fable


By Daphne Anson


It’s not brand new, this talk by the eminent Israeli scholar of Islam Dr. Mordechai Kedar: “Jerusalem as a Muslim holy city is the oldest Fake News in history”

But the video’s one for all seasons, and for those who haven’t seen it, it’s well worth watching. 


The eminent British scholar of Islam Professor Denis MacEoin observed of it:

Kedar is spot on. One thing he does not mention is that by the time Muhammad and his followers went to Medina (in 622, the start of the Islamic calendar), Muslims were instructed to pray towards Jerusalem. But about 18 months later, a revelation came down from God, ordering them to turn about 180 degrees to pray towards Mecca, which they have done since then. In other words, Jerusalem lost its significance as the qibla (direction of prayer) and also as a site for pilgrimage. The Qur’an does not even mention Jerusalem or al-Quds, not even in the verses about the night journey to the ‘furthest mosque’ (masjid al-aqsa). As for the flying horse etc., that is mainly later legend. It’s time these facts were presented in international fora (e.g. UNESCO) and that this and other Muslim claims (e.g. calling the Maarat Ha-Mechpela in Hebron ‘Abraham’s mosque’, as if a mosque existed anywhere in the time of the patriarchs.” [Emphasis added]

Hat tip: Vlad Tepes blog

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