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26-Jul-16: Arab-on-Israeli stabbing is foiled at Qalandiya

After the April 28, 2016 attack at the same location [Image Source]

A stabbing attack on Israeli security personnel was thwarted this afternoon at the Qalandiya Crossing controlling a heavily-traveled road connecting Jerusalem and Ramallah where the Palestinian Authority administration is based. Qalandiya, the site of many previous Arab-on-Israeli terror attacks [link] on which we have reported, is

the largest and most frequented passageway for Palestinian laborers from the Ramallah area to cross into Jerusalem, with lines flowing in a relatively orderly manner. [Times of Israel, May 17, 2016]

It’s the same site as the April attack we mentioned here [“28-Apr-16: Terror-by-knifing attack foiled at Qalandiya; assailant, again, is a child“].

Times of Israel, quoting a police statement today, reports that

a Palestinian woman, roughly 18 years old from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Aqab, approached the checkpoint and walked into the inspection area for cars. She then ran at security guards “who told her to stop multiple times,” When the woman ignored their warning, the guards shot at her legs, the statement said. The woman was lightly injured and Magen David Adom paramedics treated her at the scene. A police bomb disposal expert was called in to check the woman’s bag, and found a knife inside.

She was recorded screaming at the Israelis shortly before she was stopped in a video that is circulating on social media [an Arabic source here via YouTube]. Arabs began rioting at the site soon afterwards.

A photo of the inside of the attacker’s handbag, showing a kitchen-knife, is doing the rounds of the social media [here for instance].

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