May 15, 2024

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Comment on The Times They Are A Changing by MrCohen

blog moderator Vic Rosenthal said:

“They [the elites of Israel] are embarrassed by
Zionist patriotism, which they associate with
Mizrachim, whose distrust of Arabs
they attribute to racism.”

my personal response:

How can Jews trust Arabs after they murdered Israeli Olympic athletes and mass-murdered the workers of the World Trade Center?

How can Jews trust Arabs after bombing of Sbarro’s restaurant and their kidnapping and murder of three Jewish teenagagers?

How can Jews trust Arabs when their religion’s most sacred writings [Koran and Hadiths] a filled with hate against Jews?

How can Jews trust Arabs when their religion’s most sacred writings [Koran and Hadiths] encourage them to make insincere peace treaties with non-Muslims?

How can Jews trust Arabs when their religion’s most sacred writings [Koran and Hadiths] encourage them to LIE to non-Muslims?

How can Jews trust Arabs when Yassir Arafat was one of the biggest liars in History?

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