April 28, 2024

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Comment on What happened to my home town by Ian


Back in the early 1980’s when I was in College I was the President of the Union of Jewish Students. This was at a small, liberal arts college in Ohio. The most Jewish it ever got was the monthly bagels and lox get together and the high holiday services presided over by a reform rabbi from the nearby Hebrew Union College. We were a very weak stream of Judaism at that small Episcopal college. Many years later, while studying in Israel, I asked one of the (Orthodox) Rabbi’s I was studying with about God’s promise to make the Jews an eternal nation in light of all the assimilation and intermarriage that was going on. I wondered how there would be any Jews left in a few generations. The Rabbi told me that Jews exist to do God’s work to prepare the world for the messianic times and that without Jews the world would have no meaning. He did not worry about the assimilation of Jews, or intermarriage, or I suppose of the growing influence of liberal politics on the American Jewish Community. For him, it was all in Gods hands. And that was his faith. From this I learned not to worry too much about the fading Jewish communities in America or the lost Jewish communities in other parts of the world. I have faith that God will protect and help defend Israel and the dying communities in America are just part of the plan. While this attitude of resignation may seem like apathy, it is quite the opposite. It drives me to work in Zionist areas where my contribution will count. Support, both vocal and financial of organizations that are fighting to maintain Judaism and support Israel for example. This is one of the reasons I find your blog to be so important and energizing – even when the news seems bad. Let the Fresno Jewish community pass away to nothingness! Let that be the lesson to all Zionists to redouble our efforts to support and help Israel remain strong and secure. When Jews stop standing up for themselves, the end truly is near.

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