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07-Jul-17: Symantec’s classification tool now calls our blog a hate site
Silencing unwanted voices in a previous generation [Wikipedia: Nazis burn

[Two updates appear at the foot of this post.]

Elder of Ziyon has just posted an alarming piece [Symantec categorizes numerous pro-Israel blogs as “hate”, July 4, 2017] which reports on what appears to be the systematic mis-characterization of certain websites with a pro-Israel orientation as “hate” sites.

This classification means some major Internet Service Providers (who use server-based filtering supplied by Symantec Corporation) will prevent access to those sites, effectively silencing them. The indications till now are that the gag applies principally or only to British ISPs. But it’s not hard to see this malicious craziness spreading more widely.

It’s a censoring process that has no clear published rules as far as we know. Symantec, the US supplier that provides this service to ISPs, allows for the classification of websites by reference to a long list of categories defined in an on-line document called “URL filtering categories” dated June 8, 2011. You can inspect it online at But you can’t know from there what logic goes into the classification itself.

That Symantec document defines a filtering category called “Hate” as

“Sites that promote hostility against particular individual or group on the basis of race, religion, color, gender, and origin.”

If you are defined this way, large numbers of unsuspecting Internet customers of those ISPs will not be able to get access to your site. It’s a serious issue.

Yesterday, thanks to a tweet [here] from a British source, we discovered that our blog is now classed by that Symantec filter, and its many ISP and corporate users, as a hate site:

Click for the source tweet (and an archived version)

(We appreciate very much the leg-work and the tip-off which made us aware. His longer analysis is here:

Elder of Ziyon mentions several others that have gotten the same treatment: his own Elder of Ziyon site, Israellycool, Israel Matzav and Abu Yehuda. The website of the British gentleman we mentioned above, called Confronting antisemitism and Israel hatred is also ridiculously classed as a hate site.

There are bound to be others.

To be sure, we checked our site’s status (using this address:, since the problem seems to be focused on the UK) with Symantec’s online classifier and confirmed that the report is right: ThisOngoingWar: A Blog is now, in its British address version, indeed classed as a hate site by the Symantec classification commissars:

Screen shot of Symantec’s online classification tool [here] and the result we got: “Hate, English

We clicked the “submit” button to request what Symantec calls a “review” and we’re waiting for that dark process to run its course.

We plan to dig further to try to understand how easily a malicious individual (“lone wolf”) or organized gang of haters (“cognitive warriors”) can have voices unfriendly to their viewpoints silenced and essentially removed from public discourse.

From what we see so far, it’s chillingly easy.

Is the gagging of our site connected to our recent efforts to have Twitter shut down the account of an undoubted hater/bigot, the murderer of our daughter, as we wrote here [“25-Jun-17: A voice of lethal, bigoted hatred is silenced… for a while“] a few days ago? We might find out. Stay tuned.

UPDATE 10:45 am July 7, 2017: A few additional insights to share.

  1. We Googled for lists of self-avowed hate sites, antisemitic sites and Holocaust-denial sites. (Sadly, they’re not hard to find.) We fed those names into the Symantec tool and roughly half of them came up classified as “hate”. The other half from Symantec’s stand-point are fine. (Interested to know which hate sites we found that Symantec approves? Glad to answer you by email.)
  2. Symantec comes up with a “hate” label for the British URL of our blog, meaning, every time we checked this morning. However if you enter the same site via its US or Australian or German or any non-UK version of its address (again, the very same site but via a slightly different Blogspot URL), Symantec classifies it as “Dynamic Site” and/or “Blogging, English”. If the stakes weren’t so high – and they surely are – this would be funny.
  3. The only thing for which we express hate in our blog is terrorism and those who do it. So we’re not at all interested in a discussion about “well, maybe you really are hateful“. We’re not and the blog is not. Which leads us to say, with all the respect and understanding we have for complex technological challenges and algorithm-based solutions – after a long career managing serious tech companies on three continents – that if we held stock in Symantec Corporation (NASDAQ: SYMC), we would certainly be wondering about the quality of its technology and be thinking about calling our broker right about now. 
UPDATE 10:15 am July 11, 2017: With no word of explanation, apology or notification to us of any sort from them, we have just discovered – by going online and once checking once again via Symantec’s online classification tool [here] – that the site you are currently reading is now re-classified by Symantec. It’s no longer a “hate” site. (Of course, it never was a hate site at any stage.)
Our treatment at the hands of this major public company with a global reputation has been shabby and unacceptable. We intend to learn more about what goes on under their sheets.

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