May 5, 2024

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Comment on America crosses the line by Keefe Goldfisher

Shalom-Hillel’s comments resonated well with me; I want to believe his version of tidings, but, as you’ve noted, the trend toward openly going after Jews has escalated in America, and it really went into hyper-drive with Obama. Even before Lee Smith, at Weekly Standard, said (ascribing some of the anti-Semitic chatter of Kerry and Obama around forcing their Iran deal through) that Obama had released the anti-Jew crazies who had been kept at bay so long…, one had only to look at the battleground of our colleges and universities to see that American Jews were being regularly intimidated in brown-shirt fashion and that this had been accelerating for over 20 years. And it was not uncommon for an American Jewish, Israel-sympathizing, Zionist-supporting father of a child in college to say (all this from an anecdote of Elliot Abrahms) to his Israeli counterparts (paraphrased), “I love and support Israel, but you have to solve this occupation issue because my child is discomfited or in danger in an American school.” The irony of the preferred solution for American Islamist-sympathizing thuggishness being borne by endangering Israelis has been lost on this worried soul. That the child is victimized in such a stalwart place as America is, I believe, a part of the campaign of Islamic jihad to unravel the West, by means of Saudi and Qatari money and the enthusiastic anti-Semitism of a plurality of Europeans, at Western civilization’s foundations in law, government and press.

Just spent the last half hour listening to two really informed American conservative commentators, Mona Charen and Jay Nordlinger (both of whom I cherish), bashing the hell out of Trump. They are holdouts to vote conscience and not vote for Trump. Whether the latter carries out a stitch of his ‘platform’, whatever that morphs into, he is the only one who has talked to the American people’s great concerns: Our elites caving to an Islamist agenda (Obama and Hillary foremost in this camp), part of which is the increasing, unvetted immigration of Muslims to America and the mainstreaming of Sharia; enhancing and expanding the capabilities of the our armed forces for the likelihood of having war with China (highest probability) and continuing to defeat and humiliate Islamists everywhere for the three hundred years war that we have not really acknowledged exists but that began at the founding of our country; supporting the police forces of all our major cities which have become embattled by mobs with the opportunistic backing of political groups and the press (egged on by our President and an attack-dog DOJ) to basically give immunity to an anti-government horde; curtailing immigration which is being weaponized by the Democratic Party for its gain at the expense of the security of all Americans.

Why it should have been so hard to have repeated the tropes of this one candidate by others whom he dispatched in the primaries, I have no idea. These are the items which must be addressed and that are the real heart of America’s survival.

The last two days, every form of media coverage has been lionizing Muhammad Ali after his recent passing. I stopped voting Democrat when I saw Obama’s friends… too many Jew-haters and Nation of Islam persons. I always distrusted this group and, by extension, Muhammad Ali and Malcom X–whatever ‘social justice’ wisdom there might be to raising up a non-conformist loudmouth as a champion, or… having a black President, it was more than undone by this group’s pedigree of anti-Jewish behavior. We are being batted over the head with the virtues of Ali who, while he might have had skills as an athlete, was most often not gracious in victory, pushed upon us as some sort of hero by the media in a way that a Joe Louis never had to be, and whom we are asked to coronate for his opposition to the Vietnam war. The same black Jew-hatred that you described above had friends among Ali’s friends, whether he expressed the attitudes himself openly or not.

Obama is about to betray Israel again, but in a big way, as we’ve been predicting for 8 years. The wrangling for a broader coalition that Netanyahu has been churning through, is about the threat of removing the last bit of protection for the Jewish state at the UN and forcing a ‘solution’ on Israel–the hubris to discuss peace there without its litigants!

If it did not matter that our President (for whom covenants of non-impeachment exist with Congressmen and non-hyper criticism with the press) lied to the American people to sell the Iran deal, that he empties out Guantanamo to prep us for its closing, that he confers legitimacy on the tyrants in Cuba and Venezuela, that he attacks our police forces around the country using the DOJ, does nothing to stand up to the Chinese in the South China Sea, takes the side of the Iranians in expelling ISIS from Fallujah, does nothing to stem illegal immigration, etc., ad nauseum… Does anyone think that voting against Israel at the UN will not happen.

There may not be a future for anyone who is a loyal American in America anymore, regardless of whether Jews here feel the brunt of this first or not. The threat to us is a symptom of a far greater worldwide threat to all, made infinitely worse by the worst President in our history.

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