May 4, 2024

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Video: How the UN supports terror against Jews

In October, the United Nations’ Sixth Committee (the Legal Committee) held a debate about creating a convention denouncing terrorism.

But after more than a decade of trying, they could not come up with a definition of the term “terrorism” itself.

The reason? Because Arab and Muslim states consistently insist that Palestinian terror is not terror – and that it is in fact righteous and legal. And they also say that Israeli self-defense is terror.

Here is what the delegates said in their own words:

 IRAN (on behalf of the Non-aligned movement (NAM))
“Terrorism should not be equated with the legitimate struggle of peoples under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation, for self-determination and national liberation.”

“We have to distinguish between terrorism and legitimate self-defense. This applies particularly to people in countries that are occupied.”

“We also should differentiate between what is considered a terrorist act subject to international criminalization and the legitimate struggle of peoples for self-determination and resisting foreign occupation.”

“the Convention should clearly distinguish between acts of terrorism and the legitimate struggles for self-determinations of people living under foreign occupation.”

 “the legitimate right for peoples to resist foreign occupation and the right to self-determination cannot be assimilated to terrorism.”

SAUDI ARABIA (on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation OIC)
“the group reiterates the need to make a distinction between terrorism and the exercise of legitimate right of peoples to resist foreign occupation.

 “There needs to be …a clear definition of terrorism which draws a distinction between terrorism and the right of persons, peoples, to self-determination.”

“legitimate struggle of peoples under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation for self-determination and national liberation cannot be equated with terrorism.

“We believe that the need to fight terrorism [01:59:43]…[01:59:52 ] should therefore not be undermined by attempts to exploit the legitimate fight against terrorism to suppress the right of self-determination of peoples, notably those under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation.”

Anne Bayefsky of Human Rights Voices and I made a video about this outrage, showing the sickness of the UN envoys from Muslim countries as they justify the most horrendous terror acts in the name of “self determination of peoples.”

Share it widely. The world needs to see how depraved these people are.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

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